Spartan Heart, Part One Read online

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  With a toss of her hands, bouquets of red and white roses whooshed through the air. Then she heard it; the sick moist thud of flowers made contact with the tops of shadowed caskets. Breaking free of Taryn and Eliza’s grasp, Evangeline reached her summit. She finally gave in to temptation.

  She ran.

  Hopping over benches, Evangeline skipped over decorative stones and brushed past baskets and urns full of bright artificial flowers. She didn’t care that she left them standing with their jaws dropped open in stunned silence. She slowed her run to a brisk walk. Shuffled steps carried her as fast as black matte heels would allow. Any moment now, she would reach the safety of the limousine. The car would give her solace from all of these crazy people. Swollen, tear-blurred eyes made walking difficult.

  Evangeline wound her way through the cemetery. Blinking several times helped clear away the cobwebs. Heels sunk deep into the damp earth. Slowing her pace, she wound around crypts half consumed by ivy. Limestone headstones all seemed to match. Every one of them was etched with angels, flags, and heartfelt poems. Taryn’s voice was faint. It echoed far behind her. Refusing to look back, Evangeline didn’t stop. Out from the shadows, a stranger approached her. Ignoring him, she planned to side-step the bloke. But something sparked the moment his eyes caressed her face. Familiarity forced a quick second look. Shimmers of déjà-vu made her stop abrupt.

  There he stood, right in front of her, blocking her path. She searched the smooth lines of his jaw and face. Dark blue eyes held her captured. She knew those broad shoulders. The way he touched her hand was far too intimate. His boldness left her stunned, straining for memory. Where had she seen him before? Recognition came in a sudden rush…like a sucker punch in the belly. Leave it to her to run into her ex-boyfriend. There wasn’t a single word she wanted to hear from this lying, cheating louse.

  Andrew Carter.

  Evangeline looked around uncomfortably and leaned to the side. Searching past Andrew’s body, she needed a new route of escape. Being accosted twice in one day was starting to tick her off.

  “Andrew? W-what are you doing here?”

  If she were lucky, the cad wouldn’t answer.

  “I’m sorry, Evan, but I tried to stay away. I had to see you and express my condolences.”

  So much for luck.

  She tried not to stare. The passage of time had been kind. Andrew’s handsome face was only much more beautiful. But his presence made her remember.

  He’d betrayed her.

  “You should’ve stayed home!” she shot at him.

  His shaking hand grazed through cropped brown hair.

  “Please don’t be like this. I’m here for you and speak from the heart.”

  “Oh? I wasn’t aware there was a ounce of honesty in your whole body, not to mention in your lifeless heart.”

  “Okay, I deserved that. Will you ever forgive me, Evangeline? It’s been over nine years. We have both grown up since University.”

  “When I left for college you promised you loved me, Andrew. Like a fool, I gave you my innocence before I left. But you lied and slept with all of my friends. I was barely gone a year. You did nothing but break my heart!”

  The caress of his gaze made her flinch. But he no longer held the power to melt her heart. Evangeline could only guess what this jerk must have been thinking. He probably hoped his sad, pathetic expression would be enough to weasel himself back into her good graces.

  If only she could gouge his eyes out.

  “You are right. I’ve lied and betrayed you, but I was young and stupid. I had no idea what you meant to me. I know now you’re all I’ve ever wanted. If you’ll give me another chance, I swear I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you. I still love you, and I want to marry you.”

  “No! You know nothing of love. You have violated every shred of trust we’ve ever had. Don’t you see? There can never be a future for us. How dare you think you can just show up here, uninvited, and at my parents’ funeral, no less? I care nothing for your sympathies. They sound as hollow as your apologies. Now, go away and leave me alone!”

  Taryn appeared at Evangeline’s side. Bending forward with her hands on her hips, she labored to catch her breath. Her stare shot daggers at Andrew from her bent position. Protective as always, her best friend rose rod-straight. Shoving his chest hard, she forced him to take a step back.

  “This is not the time or the place, Andrew. Leave Evan alone. Excuse your lame existence, and let us pass.”

  Andrew’s jaw dropped in stunned silence. Like a pro, he collected his wits. It would appear that over time he had gained a few smarts. The fire in Taryn’s eyes made the bloke take another step back.

  Taryn cupped Evangeline by the elbow, leading her in the direction of the waiting limousine. “We’re almost to the car, Evangeline.”

  Eliza caught up, gasping. Reaching out to Evangeline, she grasped her other hand.

  “C’mon, girls. Let’s get out of here!”

  Security saw them coming. An officer motioned for them to follow. Comforting feelings suddenly surfaced. They reached the safety of the limousine. The tantalizing musk of leather never smelled so good. Evangeline’s head back fell against the overstuffed seat. Her body shook violently. The clink of ice cubes tinkled against glass. Taryn shoved a shot of aged scotch in her hand. Gulping the amber liquid like water, Evangeline coughed and sputtered. She held the empty glass against her breast. Her breath was stolen as the spirits horrid vapors burned its fiery trail. A warm glow spread throughout her body.

  Her mind raced to the beat of her heart. After nine years, she never expected Andrew to come and find her. The rogue still had a way of making her heart hurt. As lonely as she felt, and despite his proclamations of love and apologies, she would never take him back. Hollow confessions meant nothing coming from a liar. Searching her best friend’s face, the tears stung Evangeline’s cheeks.

  “Taryn, please take me home.”

  Chapter Two

  The London Museum of Greco-Roman History was the love of Evangeline’s life. It provided her family with a rich and robust living experience. Every facet of her existence revolved around that enchanted place. The death of her parents transferred full ownership interest. It now belonged to her. As much as she coveted the beloved gallery, the pride of ownership felt hollow without her parents by her side.

  Her cell phone lit up, dancing in circles over the fine lacquered wood of the formal dining room table. The tune of Margaritaville perked up her mood. She stole a glance at the familiar phone number lighting up her Blackberry. Intuition promised Taryn was up to something.


  “Cheerio, Evan! What are you up to? And why did you answer the phone like a wretched Yank?”

  Evangeline stifled the chuckle that forced her cough. “I’m just chilling out.”

  “You liar! I know you’re keeping busy. But I do want to ask a favor, only a small little favor for your best pal in the whole wide world.”

  Evangeline glanced out her front living room window. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion. She could spot a smooth-talker from a hundred miles away.

  “What do you want?”

  “You’ve been locked up in that big house since the funeral. I miss our girl time. Say you’ll go out with me. We can hang out at Kingston’s Pub. Pleeeeeaaaase?”

  Evangeline cringed. Her best friend just had to add that huge helping of guilt. Smiling in realization, Taryn’s corny line was actually working! Perhaps a girl’s night out wouldn’t be so bad.

  “I guess it couldn’t hurt. But only for a little while. I have so much to do, you know?”

  The sound of hands clapping in the background took a moment to register. Evangeline rolled her eyes.

  The little plotter!

  “Yay! I knew you would say yes! You couldn’t resist the charm of your bestie!”

  “Don’t flatter yourself, Taryn…it’s more like the charm of a She-devil.”

  “Call it what you like, you’re
still going! No backing out now!”

  “Very well. What time do you wish to pick me up?”

  “I’ll be there at six o’clock…and for cripes sake, Evan, please dress up! You’ll feel better if you look somewhat human!”

  “Okay, I promise to look human,” she mimicked. “Now let me go so I can get ready. I’ll see you when you get here. Cheerio.” Evangeline hung up, dropping her phone into her purse. Without a doubt, her best friend would hold her to it.


  By the hands of her watch, she had an hour. Scurrying up the stairs, she flew into the room she liked to call her closet.

  She chose a white pleated mini-dress with spaghetti straps. The thin material felt whisper-soft against her skin. Gazing into the depths of the tall full-length mirror, she couldn’t help but think of a Greek goddess.

  A Greek goddess with blonde hair!

  Despite the exotic glow of her mother’s Greek olive skin and raven hair, she inherited her father’s fair skin and honey-blonde locks. But she didn’t escape her mother’s gene pool entirely. She was blessed to inherit the rare copper eyes that survived the passing of many generations.

  Evangeline stared at her reflection. Random thoughts of Andrew made her laugh out loud. Besides her father, Andrew was the only man who ever held her heart. In an act of stupidity, she had given him her virginity the night before she left for Princeton. The experience was horrid and painful, completely void of pleasure. It made her skeptical of a woman’s ability to enjoy the wretched act. But Andrew had enjoyed himself. His clumsiness had been evident throughout the whole disappointing experience. It was soon overshadowed by his inability to use any form of protection. It was a miracle she hadn’t gotten pregnant.

  Once she had arrived in Jersey, Evangeline was one to learn her lessons fast; being wise to keep her nose planted in her books and studies and away from the droves of men who begged for her company. Likely labeled a Tory prude at Princeton, she was happy to live with the title. Thanks to Andrew, there was never any desire to pursue any new romantic relationships. She would rather die an old spinster. With the flames of betrayal flickering fresh in her memory, she didn’t trust men as far as she could throw them.

  The long-winded doorbell chimes tolled and echoed throughout the manse. She heard the slam of her heavy front door. Evangeline glanced at her watch.

  Six o’clock sharp.

  Her best friend was so darn tenacious. That girl was never late for anything.

  Evangeline ran down the hallway, flying down the stairs. She hoped to make her grand entrance. With her best vixen smile, Evangeline opened her arms. Shrugging her shoulders, she spun around in charmed circles, waiting in anticipation for approval.

  “Well? Have I earned any brownie points? Do I look human enough?”

  Taryn laughed and clapped her hands. She bowed a decisive nod. Belting out a loud whistle between her fingers, it echoed through the house for emphasis.

  “If you looked any hotter, you’d be dangerous!”

  Evangeline sighed in relief. She had passed the test.

  Taryn looked pretty hot, too. Tight black jeans, a red silk tube top, and some silver strappy heels; her hair always looked amazing. Long dark hair was filled with tons of caramel-blonde highlights. The loose natural wave was enough to make any girl jealous. Pale hazel-green eyes made her think of an expensive Egyptian cat. Her orbs couldn’t decide if they wanted to be green or gold. Regardless of color, without a doubt, her best friend was beautiful.

  Heading towards the door; Taryn threw her pink Gucci purse over a tan bare shoulder. With a cock-eyed grin, sculpted eyebrows rose up and down in provocation. As usual, her expression was always begging for trouble.

  “Are you ready to have some fun or what?”

  * * * *

  Kingston’s pub must have exceeded full capacity. Evangeline stuffed her I.D. back into the disarray of her wallet. Taryn grabbed her by the hand, forcing her to walk faster. Scores of pub patrons leaned against tobacco-yellowed walls, with drinks in hand. Watchful, they were always on the hunt. It was a treasure to find an unattended table.

  Evangeline picked up her pace; she hoped they wouldn’t share the same fate. Taking a full scan, the pub hadn’t changed. Considered a low scale dump by their high dollar social class, she and Taryn had always preferred it. If anything, the faces there were far friendlier. And when you left, no one had to bother pulling the jeweled daggers out of your back. Ritzy snobs who called themselves friends often came at a high price. Kingston’s Pub was considered a place of refuge. This wouldn’t be the last time since she stepped foot in this delightful place.

  Taryn looked back, as if reading her mind. She threw Evangeline an exhausted look.

  “Come on, girl! Hurry your step. Jake reserved our table!”

  They squeezed through a sardine can of bodies. A wide variety of 80’s and 90’s music belted loud, mixed with a splash of European discotheque. An inexhaustible well of songs were delivered in consecutive abundance, compliments of a greasy-haired disk-jockey sporting dark, Oakley shades. Pounding rhythm ricocheted against nicotine walls, pouring from high mounted speakers. Happy smiles lit pub-shadowed faces. The vibe of the crowd was warm, yet spirited. The dance floor was as crowded as the tables. Voices hollered loud, as if everyone was angry, all in an effort to be heard over the music. Strobes of colored lights illuminated the dance floor, grazing over half-baked patrons.

  Their reservation sign was found at a dark high-bar table. Nodding in recognition, Jake gave a lazy smile and headed their way. He wiped his hands on the front of worn denim blue jeans. Without a doubt, Jake was more than handsome. With the twist of his wrist, he pulled a handy pencil from behind a dirty-blonde Keith Urban coiffed ear. A hopeless flirt, he knew he was a looker. His baby blue stare passed between Evangeline and Taryn, as if he could have his choice. Evangeline wished he would stick to their business.

  Taryn cleared her throat, jogging his memory of her usual order. His pencil glided back behind a covered ear. Within minutes, two pints of house ale and a bowl of chips were delivered with a smile. Bold enough to take another look back; Jake smiled in mischief before he disappeared into the crowd.

  Taryn’s smile was wicked. It would seem Jake wasn’t the one who admired the view.

  “His tush is so hot!”

  Evangeline giggled, taking a quick swig of her ale.

  “I wouldn’t know. I was too busy looking at his face, you naughty girl!”

  Taryn was always hysterical. Evangeline wiped happy tears from her eyes. A night out with her best friend was just what the doctor ordered. Only this physician was biased. A doctor like her Mum, Taryn was almost finished with her residency.

  Jake returned with refills, ushering in another naughty fit of uncontrolled laughter. The beginning bass thumps of Relax by Frankie Goes to Hollywood reverberated against Evangeline’s eardrums. Bracing herself, she knew what was coming next.

  Taryn sprung off her bar stool. Hooting out loud, she jumped like a woman who just won the lottery.

  “Oh, Evan! I love this song!”

  Taryn was a woman possessed, making a bee-line towards the dance floor. Sipping her golden suds, Evangeline laughed and fought the temptation to fetch a priest. Taryn was a delicious sight of jiggle and bounce. Looking Heavenward, Evangeline caught herself praying. Only the assistance of divine intervention would help that poor red tube top last the night.

  “Hello, gorgeous!”

  Evangeline’s head snapped to her left. Recognition of the bearer’s voice made her eyes narrow into thin slits. “Andrew? Fancy meeting you here.”

  “Please be nice, Evan. I swear this is a coincidence.”

  She tried to play it cool. “Indeed.”

  “You look beautiful tonight.”

  Her heart flinched. The club lights danced in his deceitful, blue eyes.

  If only she could punch him in the face.

  “Um, thank you.”

  “How are you? I think about you
all the time.”

  Evangeline sighed. She resisted the urge to bite her bottom lip. “I’m as well as can be expected.”

  “I’m so glad. You must know I wish for your every happiness.”

  Evangeline had no choice. She laughed it off. “I appreciate your concern, but I’ll be fine,” she lied.

  “Will you consider going out on a date? Now before you say no, I mean a small date, such as tea…something simple. I would like for us to get to know each other again. You know, start over, if you will.”

  “I’m sorry, Andrew, but I’m not interested. I don’t want to hurt your feelings.”

  Evangeline meant it. She didn’t want to hurt him.

  Even though the jerk deserved it.

  “Then say yes. If you don’t feel comfortable, I’ll never bother you again.”

  “No. I’m not going to deal with this right now.”

  “Of course! How insensitive of me. You have a lot on your plate. I’ll give you more time. As much time as you need.”

  “No, Andrew, that isn’t it.”

  Andrew kissed her cheek. “I have to go, Evan. It was so nice to see you. Cheerio, angel.”

  Evangeline’s cheek burned where his lips had been. The arrogant cad had no idea how much she had loved him. Every time she saw his pretty face, it was like pouring acid into a festered wound that would never heal. Lifting the rim of her mug against her lips, she gulped the last half of her pint. Taryn’s mug looked pretty lonely, so she slammed the rest of hers, too. Motioning to Jake, she smiled in wonder as she double-fisted two fresh mugs of ale.