Spartan Heart, Part Two Read online

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  Dorien admired the woman’s pretty face. Despite her middle years, the radiance of her skin made her look in the prime of her youth. The shine of straight, russet brown hair brushed past her shoulders. Tall and trim, her feminine curves turned heads. Dimples in her chin and right cheek were enough to steal a man’s breath from his chest. Reading her name tag, he couldn’t help but smile. Eliza was such a pretty name.

  “Dorien?” Eliza called as she scanned their faces. She sucked in a breath when he raised his hand in answer.

  “I’m here, Doctor. Please, how is my lady?”

  He enjoyed Eliza’s appreciation. Her gaze caressed him in maternal fashion. Like a mother hen, she gave him a thorough study and watched him intensely. Knowing her thoughts, Evan had been modest when she described him. How did this doctor know Evangeline? Dorien searched deeper and released a knowing sigh. Eliza was not only her physician; she was also Taryn’s mother and Evan’s godmother.

  Eliza offered a lazy smile and extended her hand. “So you are Dorien?”

  She winced the moment his cold hand made contact with her warm fingers. Withdrawing her hand fast, she tucked it into the safety of her crisp coat pocket. Dorien searched her face for any hint of emotion. To his surprise, her features were controlled and relaxed. This woman was well accustomed to hiding her feelings.

  “I’m Dr. Hampton, but please call me Eliza.”

  “It is nice to meet you, Doctor. I wish it were under better circumstances.”

  “I’m assuming you are the twins’ father?”

  “Yes. How are Evan and my babes?”

  “Evan’s in a coma right now, Dorien. She took quite a fall down the stairs.”

  “The babies…are they…?”

  “They are alive and well, for now. We have Evangeline sedated in case she’s in any pain. The medication will help her body avoid stressing itself into early labor. If Evan were to give birth now, we wouldn’t be able to save your twins. Lucky for us all, she seems to be stable. The sedatives, on the other hand, could cause the babies’ heart rates to go down. This is something we are keeping a watchful eye on. We have her stabilized and her bleeding has stopped. Please, follow me.”

  Dorien nodded to Philip and Tommy. They both returned the favor. He followed Eliza down a long winding hallway. She stopped him outside the door of Evangeline’s room.

  “I must warn you, Dorien. Evan is hooked up to wires and monitors. I’m afraid she’ll look a fright. Please feel free to touch and talk to her. We believe she can hear us.”

  Dorien allowed Eliza to enter the room first. Stepping around the blue sliding entrance curtain, his attention flew straight to Evangeline. Eliza’s talk failed to prepare him. The woman he loved looked like a stranger. It made his chest clench tight with pain. Her body looked so small and frail, almost like a child’s. The healthy glow of her skin was lost; she was pale to the point of translucent. To see her weak and motionless pulled the rug out from beneath his feet. Nothing short of her death could have been more devastating.

  “She’s breathing on her own and is in a very deep sleep. We have her on extra oxygen to help keep her saturation levels where we want them. It’s an absolute miracle she didn’t break any bones. I think Evan is unable to wake because her body is defending itself from the trauma she’s experienced. The scans of her brain are reassuring, so her prognosis appears excellent for a full recovery. Her body will wake up when it no longer feels the needs to protect itself.”

  Dorien gulped. Her body was protecting her from him. His soul hurt. Clenching his fists, he made a vow. He would spend every day of his existence making this up to her. But would he ever get the chance? He felt the weight of Eliza’s analyzing stare.

  She sniffed. Her sooty, russet lashes fluttered for control. Dorien knew she was trying not to cry in front of him. “You really love her, don’t you?”

  It was true. His feelings towards Evangeline were so intense, it rocked his very existence. “Aye. I do. Although, I must say, she deserves much better than the likes of me.”

  “Don’t be hard on yourself. She loves you and she needs you…and so do your children. Never think otherwise. If you really love her, don’t you ever let her go.”

  It was impossible to hide his smile. “I will keep that in mind, Doctor.”

  “Oh, and Dorien?’


  “Now that Evan is stable, I need to check on the welfare of the babies. Would you like to see your children?”

  Dorien blinked in confusion. “What?”

  Eliza chuckled aloud. Reading her mind, she branded him a typical clueless father.

  “An ultrasound. I can take pictures of the twins. Would you like to stay and watch?”

  Dorien thought of the babies. For the first time, the news of Evangeline’s pregnancy jolted him. They really were his children. “You can let me see them?”

  Her jolly grin was infectious. “Have a seat.”

  He sat on a stool and rolled it next to Evangeline’s bedside. Dorien plucked her still, delicate hand and kissed it, pressing its warmth against the coolness of his face. His nose rubbed against her flesh and inhaled deep. The smell of her skin still lingered with the sweetest zest of orange blossoms. It fused erotically with the faded blueberry scent of her hair. There was no other aroma that rocked him to his core. It was decadent paradise.

  His attention followed Eliza. She turned off the lights and took a seat in front of her machine. Evangeline’s covers were pulled just below her hips and her cotton hospital gown lifted. A jelly-like substance was squeezed all over the rounded crest of her swollen belly.

  Dorien’s thoughts raced. How he had overlooked all of the signs and changes in her body? From her swollen and darkened breasts, to her expanding waistline. He was a fool not to have known she was with child! Unsure of what to expect, he mimicked Eliza. His gaze remained glued to the blank monitor screen. In an instant everything changed.

  The twins came into view. To see his growing children nestled deep inside their mother’s womb floored him. He was completely mesmerized by the round shape of their little heads and the quick fluid movements of their tiny legs and arms. It was an absolute miracle. Dorien heard a gasp and realized it came from him.

  Eliza smiled at his reaction. This time she didn’t mentally chastise him. “Do you see these fluttering areas here and here? These are your children’s hearts. They look strong and healthy. Here is Baby A’s stomach, liver, brain and kidneys. Perfect! Here are the same organs for Baby B.”

  Dorien laughed out loud. The babies bounced around as if they were playing. He became alarmed the moment Eliza’s expression grew strained and serious. Following her gaze, he saw the shadow. His temple began to throb with worry. “What is that?”

  Eliza studied the screen. Even in the dark Dorien was able to catch the dilation of her pupils from her stare of concentration. “I’m not sure, but it looks harmless enough. My guess is a small amount of internal bleeding or bruising due to the fall. This is considered normal for what Evan has experienced. It would explain why she was bleeding. Would you look at that?”

  “What’s wrong, Doctor?” he felt his throat tighten.

  Eliza shook her head. “I’m looking at the placenta. I still don’t believe the depth of placental growth into her uterine wall. I think we found what kept these little ones safe. Evangeline told me she has had a lot of cramping over the last few weeks.”

  “Come to think of it, she has complained a lot of stomach pain and cramps.”

  “It was the twins nestling deep, that’s for sure! The poor girl! They must have one heck of a blood supply, which is excellent. Your children should be very healthy.”

  Dorien beamed with pride.

  “The twins are still on target with their March twenty-ninth due date. I’m sorry I can’t tell you the gender of the babies yet. They are still too small for me to tell.”

  “Gender?” he repeated.

  “Whether the babies are male or female, or one of each
. I could tell you if Evan was a little bit further along in her pregnancy.”

  “No! Please promise you won’t reveal the gender of the twins until they are born! I can’t know…I just can’t!” Dorien fought a claustrophobic wave of panic. Could an immortal fall sick? Knowing their sex would only solidify his loss if a son wasn’t growing in Evangeline’s womb. He didn’t want any regrets, even if she carried his daughters.

  “I don’t know if I can promise you that. Evan might be sore if I withheld that information.”

  He grinned in mischief, hoping to sway her. “She might, Doc, but I’ll accept the blame. I guess you can say I am old fashioned.”

  Eliza’s expression softened. “All right, Dorien. You win. I’ll play dumb from here on out. I will keep the sex of the twins a secret.”

  Dorien sighed in relief. Eliza had no idea what she had done for him. For now, he didn’t have to think of the wager with Demona. He could enjoy the pregnancy and allow the babes to come into the world in their normal course. It suddenly didn’t matter if they were blessed with sons or daughters. These children would be loved, despite their gender. Nothing would diminish his joy. His arms would embrace daughters as heartily as he would welcome sons, even if he had to pay the Oracle’s wretched price.

  Eliza turned on the lights and readjusted Evangeline’s hospital gown and blankets. She trailed a soft row of tender kisses across the breadth of her goddaughter’s forehead. Her delicate fingers stroked Evangeline’s pale, still face. “Please press this call button if you see any change in her condition. I’ll be close by if you need me.”

  Dorien nodded. His gut ached to watch Eliza fight back tears. The lovely woman sounded so wistful.

  “You know, I love that girl as if she came from my own body. With Helena gone, Evan is all I have left of my best friend.”

  He nodded in understanding. Devastation and anguish consumed Eliza’s thoughts. The echo of her loss was palpable. It was still too vivid and fresh for her acceptance. Dorien fought the masculine urge to hold her and comfort her. But he recalled her previous reaction to his touch. A simple nod would have to do.

  The light in Eliza’s eyes seemed to fade. He knew where her spark went. It escaped to the numbest recesses of her mind so she could escape the loneliness that sometimes made her pray for death. Her delicate hands slipped back into the comfort of her pockets. With the whoosh of her white physician’s coat, she turned and left the room.

  Dorien caressed Evangeline’s face with his fingertips. He basked in the warmth that radiated from her chapped, feathered lips when he kissed her. Lowering her blankets, he cupped the bulge of her growing bump. The invisible weight he carried on his shoulders was a heavy yoke of burden. It forced his head to fall forward and rest against the softness of her side.

  With a gentle nudge to her belly, Dorien smiled in anticipation. The babies fluttered in excitement under the palms of his hands. He cooed to them in love and spoke to them telepathically. It didn’t matter if his voice was audible or not. They always jumped in knowing response. This had become their routine, a tender moment so miraculous and yet so bittersweet. If only Evangeline would wake. Then she could share this blessed time with them.

  He made every effort to keep his focus on his growing family. The days passed in a slow hazed nightmare. Thirty-six hours had passed since he had last seen the fire in Evangeline’s eyes. How he missed the gentle, soothing sound of her voice. His existence felt hollow and lifeless without her.

  Ticks from the large round medical wall clock were torturous. The zaps of tiny electric jolts ignited his every nerve, setting every impulse ablaze. His immortal body felt restless and hyperactive, like he would go mad if he didn’t get out of this place. Beeps and alarms from the machines tested his sanity. Every moment was a constant reminder she was so far away from him.

  Eliza, Taryn, Tommy, and Philip visited often to check on Evangeline’s progress. Disappointment was always heavy. Her condition had yet to change. Dorien memorized the sounds of every wretched monitor. Like a dream he immersed himself into the rhythms of her body. If only he could sleep. Slumber would be a refuge. How he wished for a place to escape the tortured agony of her silence. His growing children were the only blissful glimpses. They were the only part of her that reacted to his presence. Dorien’s head suddenly jerked. From the corner of his eye, he caught the glimmer of the faintest twitch.

  Her fingers were moving!

  Dorien grasped Evangeline’s hand. He stroked the tender skin of her arm. “Evan, please come back to me.”

  Chapter Four

  Evangeline’s eyes rolled under her lashes. They opened slowly, allowing the faintest glimpse of alien surroundings. Sunlight flooded bright. It took every effort to keep her heavy lids open. Squinting in pain, her vision was sensitive and blurred. She blinked several times. Every flutter helped clear away the cobwebs.

  Her head rolled softly from side to side. Like a butterfly, she emerged from the depths of her protective cocoon. She grasped at elusive strands of fuzzed memory. It was difficult to recall what had happened. The simple act of moving her fingers hurt. Why did her muscles feel so stiff? A familiar voice drifted from the beautiful man’s face that hovered above her.

  “Evan, I am with you! Can you hear me?”

  She stared at him blankly. The green of his eyes looked so dull and waxed, exposing the depth of his misery. They brimmed with pain and fear. But it was difficult to speak. Parched and gritted, her mouth felt as dry as a desert.

  “Dorien?” she whispered. To hear him sob made her heart hurt.

  “Yes, love. I am here!”

  Memory of his anger sparked in an instant. Evangeline remembered a pain so vivid, it made her flinch. Had he forgiven her a little? She didn’t deserve his love or his worry. Weak, her body felt so helpless. Tears fell involuntary. They burned as they rolled down her cheeks.

  “I’m so sorry, Dorien. Please forgive me for what I have done to you.”

  Dorien’s head shook. “Nay.” he choked. His raven head dipped. The coolness of his lips lingered on her moist cheek. She closed her eyes and relished the rapturous feel of his touch.

  “I am the one who is sorry, Evangeline. It is I who must beg for your forgiveness. These past few days have left me empty and wretched. Without you, immortality means nothing. Never have I felt so dead.”

  “No.” She said weakly.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t trust you. I didn’t listen to anything you tried to tell me. But most of all, I am so sorry I hurt you. On my existence I shall never hurt you again. There is no redemptive quality in me that deserves your love or forgiveness, but if you could please…find a way to pardon me.” His voice broke. “I love you, Evangeline. You and these babes are my life. Never will I forget this again. Whatever it is you ask of me, I shall do…even if you must ask me to leave.”

  Dorien’s words broke her heart. She was grateful he gave her time to think. Her mind flooded with so many jumbled thoughts. The encounter with Philip opened a floodgate of questions about Dorien’s past. There was so much about his life she didn’t know. If they were going to make a future together, he needed to trust her with the details of his life, too. His secrets were no better than hers.

  Dorien peered into her eyes and chuckled. “I will tell you everything you want to know, and will do whatever it takes to regain your trust and confidence. Nothing is worth losing you.” He cupped her face. His delicious kiss pressed against her lips. “I love you, woman. Nothing will ever stand between us.”

  “Dorien, I love you. There is nothing to forgive. I regret not trusting you with the news of my pregnancy. I’m so sorry. But I was so afraid you would be angry with me for being so careless. After all I have lost…I couldn’t bear the thought of living my life without you.”

  Her fingers had been soaked in blood.

  Evangeline’s head thrust off the pillow. Her eyes flew open wide with terror. Crying out in desperation, her hands clutched at her belly. The thunder of her heart
hammered against her throat and breast. Frozen in fear and panic, she wanted to scream in misery. “The babies! Have I lost them?”

  “Shhhh…Evan, everything is all right!” Dorien cooed as he stroked her face. His large hand cupped her belly. “My babes are strong and they live! Our children are nestled safe inside of you.”

  She gasped for breath and forced herself to relax. Her head fell back against the starched white cotton of her pillowcase. The babies were safe. But it would take a few minutes for her heart to register. Evangeline searched his face. “You aren’t angry you’re going to be a father?”

  Dorien chuckled heartily. He rubbed her growing bump. “Nay, Evangeline. On the contrary, we Spartans are quite aware the creation of children is an anticipated side effect of lovemaking. Actually, I’m beside myself with joy to know that you carry my children. If I had it my way, you would deliver a new babe every nine months. I am, though, very disappointed with one overlooked matter.”

  Evangeline frowned. She tried to analyze the reason for Dorien’s sudden dour expression. “What is it? I don’t understand.”

  Dorien kneeled beside her bed and captured her hand. His beautiful angel face appeared nervous. But still, he smiled like a rake.

  “Evangeline Helena Montgomery. Every fiber of my being is madly in love with you. No one in this world but you could ever hold my heart. These past few days without you only made my existence unbearable. Without you I am truly lost. My lips shall beg you until I can no longer form the words. I am prepared to hound you day and night until you cave in and give yourself to me. Forevermore I shall be your hunter, for I will never give up until the day you are truly mine. What I’m trying to say is…what I’m really hoping…is that you will agree to marry me. Evan, will you please be my wife?”